Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Song of the Day: Angelo Badalamenti's Twin Peaks Theme

I just started watching Twin Peaks after Garrett has been into the show for some time. As we started the pilot episode, I immediately recognized the theme song as something Garrett plays all the time. It’s a soothing, peaceful song all by itself to play in the background while doing some work or relaxing, but it’s much better as an introduction to Twin Peaks. This haunting theme is the perfect start to each episode in this series that chronicles the effect a murder has had on a small town. It’s heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time. Now that I’ve started watching the show, I can’t really listen to the theme song without wanting to see the next episode right away.

Angelo Badalamenti composed a number of soundtracks for David Lynch, which is really perfect because he seems to understand exactly what Lynch is aiming for. His music captures the feeling on screen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to you I started watching Twin Peaks again. Twin Peaks > NAPLEX studying, firmly.

    -Dr Bendel
