Friday, March 30, 2012

The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men

I've been using the song "It's Raining Men" as a punchline for years... but maybe that's because I hadn't heard the rest of the joke.  Finally, stumbling upon to the music video earlier today has opened my eyes to an under-appreciated piece of disco camp that has far greater appeal than it's archetypical gay/girl power following.  Not to mention that it's beyond hilarious.

The video features the aptly named Weather Girls alternating between belting out the chorus and giving hungry eyes to a veritable hoard of gentlemen callers.  The lyrical genius shines brilliantly at moments such as "I'm gonna go outside and get/Absolutely soaking wet".  Tucked in among it all are some extraordinarily GIF-worthy moments (see the video at 0:25, 1:13, 1:21, and 3:24 to get an idea).  The video contains more hilarity in 5 minutes than most major comedies and when all is said and done, you're asking yourself "Why isn't this used as a Rick Roll?"  I've got no answer for that, but I do have the timeless classic, video and all, embedded below.  Hope it makes your day as hysterical as mine was, enjoy!

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